Home Page

About Page

Photo of us

Peghill page

What's New Page

Slide Show

Pro page


Details on deck setups

More photos of us

Luging page

Videos of the pros

Guest Book Page

What are the pages about?
PHOTO OFUS:This page has pictures of us and our friends and some people from peghill.
PEGHILL PAGE:Has pictures and info on our local skatepark;peghill.
WHAT'S NEW PAGE:Pretty self-explanitary really. Will feature new parks and events we have heard about.
GUEST BOOK PAGE:sign it and tell us what you think of our site and whats going on in your area.
SLIDE SHOW:will show 'slideshows' of us skateboarding(lol).
(for a bigger pic of that to the right go to

Do you want to be on this site?
if u want to feature on this site send your pictures and your name to and we will put it on this site!!!:)

On the 23rd of december a new skatepark was built. WE don't know the exact location of it but as soon as we find out we will give you all theinformation!! if you have any info on the park email me on the address on this page. Another kool sk8park is in victori park in bath. it has 3 half pipes all different sizes including a vert. a funbox and big concrete area.

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