This is a page all about a sport we made up and it is a LOT of fun!!!
This 'sport' is a lot of fun and much more effective at night. YOU WILL NEED: -a hill with bends (not to steep cause u could relly fuk urself up!)
-A deck each
-Old cloths because they may get torn.
-At least 3 players but 2 will be ok.
-Some obstacles like bricks or fat off bits of wood(Do not throw obstacles at other player use to stop their deck or knock them off.)
-A pair of gloves if you still want your fingerprints at the end of it.
The objective of the game is to get from start to finish first while using obstacles and ur own strength/tactics to knock over players of their board. When we play we often introduce a point system for example if 3 people are playing then 1st=3points, 2nd=2 and 3rd=3 points. But if we have more than 5 peoplewe dothe smae but 1st=5 points 2nd=4,3rd=3 and so on.
When we start a person willgo 1.2.3 go NOONE goes b4 go.
-We use a landmark like a landscape to signal when people can start pushing/pulling people of their boards to give every1 a even start.
-if u fall of ur deck and are capable of getting back on ,you mest get on were u are. You CANNOt run down the hill and then sit on your board.
-no hitting people with obstacles.
Thats it Hope you try this out and hope you havce as much fun as we do!!