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Yo check out some of this!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yo Welcome to our photo page!!

Mike 180 boneless

Kickflip on a small flatbank

Matt B B/S 180 Ollie

dan ollieing 3 set(only 10!!!!!)

Aaron hollow over high rail

zimmer boardslide 3 set

mike double fingerflip

local pro(lol) ollie 3set

Chris b (new)boardslide

Danny Bilder kickflip

Mike b Fastplant 180 3 set!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Matt howlett kickflip!!!!!!!!!!!(very good freestyle sk8ter!)

Bobby heelflip

chris b(new) boardslide

Matt Fingerflip

Matt 50/50 Saran wrap, with an odd Farmer Beard.

MATT B 180 kickflip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

zimmer (hes biggest!lol) ollie

Quite a large Boneless

Chris b fat ollie

Bobby Kay

Chris b (new)50-50!!!

George pop shove it!!!!!!!!!!

Bobby noseslide

Aaron hollow 180